Thursday, July 21, 2011


Okay, so I hate for all of my blogs to be downers... but I am feeling a little down! I am starting off another school year without a job:(. I know that God has the right job for me, but it is so hard to see that when I am in the midst of this storm.  I have struggled to smile and not break down and cry when everyone asks excitedly "Did you get a job yet?!" And I have to say "No:(".  I am not really sure why I haven't.  Of course, satan has let self-doubt creep in at times, but I know that the right job is out there for me.  I just have to stand on my faith and stay true and know that He knows what is best for me.  I know that THIS is what I am meant to do, I love to teach.  I am passionate about it, I love children and I want to see them learn in new and exciting ways.  I also know that God has a plan for my life, he knows every application, resume, and interview or call that I will not get.  He knows all of my disappointments and pain.  But, the exciting thing is...He will be there to celebrate with me when I get that first job and I can celebrate with Him first and then my family who has stood by me through this tough journey!  Okay, so I started of blogging a downer, but I ended up cheering myself up:)!

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